Diversity University

Racism impacts everyone. This is not just an African-American problem. Nor is it a problem we can ignore. We must confront the history of racism in America before racism can truly dissolve from our society. Diversity University is a place where you can feel safe and discuss how racism impacts on your life.

Support Group for Individuals of Color to discuss the harm done to them.

Due to ongoing racist actions towards individuals of color, ethnicity and religion, Diversity University has decided to create a forum for individuals who have encountered racist activity either against themselves or others to have a place to speak out against these activities. We plan to meet on a regular basis to allow ourselves to come to grips with the seriousness of this issue. If you are harassed when you are shopping being black, brown, beige, Moslem, Hindu, etc.: driving being black, brown, beige, Moslem, Hindu, etc.; walking being black, brown, beige, Moslem, Hindu, etc. please call the below phone number to discuss this with us. If you need more information, please feel free to enquire with the same phone number.

Lennie Cox

Email: grayaxis@grayaxis.com / phone: 573-616-1702

If you would like to give us your personal examples of how racism has impacted your life, we will publish your stories on our site. Letting your anger and frustration out is a healthy first step. Leave a way to contact you if we feel we need more details.

Thank you for visiting. No one wakes in the morning and says, I'm white. I'm black. I'm brown. Together we can work to stop racism.


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